Why wouldn't you want more people praying for & with you?

Why wouldn't you want more people praying for & with you?

So why would you limit asking for prayer to just a few people or groups, you do know there's power in prayer, don't you?

There's no shame in asking more than 1 person to pray for you or just to 1 single group of people, there's power in prayer and the more people you ask the wonder working power of prayer. Yes I know there are those that don't want anybody to know there business, so I can understand that, now posting it online you don't have to say there name you can use for a friend or a very special person as I have seen, yet to just ask 1 certain prayer group to help and not others that is just a waste, you know the more prayerful the prayer God hears any and all but if you have 2 or more and I mean MORE praying for you or another it would seem to me, it would be most pleasing to God. Right now are you praying for our country to get back or keep fighting the fight of morality and keep us a Christian nation.

2 Chronicles 7:14 https://biblehub.com/parallel/2_chronicles/7-14.htm 

So please ask away that's what were all here for!

There is strong scientific evidence indicating that faith and prayer may help us with experiencing greater health physically, mentally and psychologically. Many studies have been published in both medical and psychological journals supporting the positive effects of prayer and faith. But some of the studies related to prayer have mixed results depending on the type of prayer, the demographic and the methods and means its effects were being measured. So, it is important to follow these studies with a critical mind to be able to see why they came up with their conclusions. But overall most conclusions are supportive of the positive influences of prayer and faith on human health and functioning.

Furthermore, it has been indicated that people who pray and meditate on a regular basis have some permanent changes to the brain.  Self-aware people who have been meditating with clear intention for 15 years or more seem to have thicker frontal lobe than non mediators.  The frontal lobes are involved in motor function, problem solving, spontaneity, memory, language, initiation, judgment, impulse control, rationality and social and sexual behavior.

Prayer can influence our state of mind, which then have an effect on our state of body. It can help with anxiety, sadness, blood pressure, sleep, digestion and breathing. It also can influence thinking. These, overtime, can change the brain activity and ultimately the subjective and objective experiences of us in the world.

There are two general types of prayer: personal or individualistic and group or collective. Logically, if one is good, two is better. When a group of people meditate or pray together with the same clear intentions, self awareness and enough focus and concentration, then the effect could be even more positive.

So again why limit your prayers like power in the blood there's power in prayer from many praying for you.


Have A Blessed Life!


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