False Teacher’s - Denominations

False Teacher’s - Denominations  

2 Peter 2:1,3  

But there were false prophets, too, in those days, just as there will be false teacher among you. They will cleverly tell their lies about God, turning against even their Master who bought them; but theirs will be a swift and terrible end. These teachers in their greed will tell you anything to get hold of your money. But God condemned them long ago and their destruction is on the way.  Living Bible

Ephesians 5:11-12

11 Take no part in the worthless pleasures of evil and darkness, but instead, rebuke and expose them. 12 It would be shameful even to mention here those pleasures of darkness that the ungodly do.

So here we have a list of various of what I have found online NOW this is OPEN to each individuals own ideas so do your own research in fact the links here will be from Google and believe what you want if you have a Bible then you have the correct word depending on what version you have you can check what your reading! P.S. there are names on here that you think should not be, then again go looking online and you shall see all kinds of comments, so it's up to you and what you believe not some false teacher that only wants your money or lead you astray so don't let your ears be tickled.
SO believe the BIBLE and it's word!

YouTube False Teacher Videos

Adrian, Rogers

Anderson, Steven

Allen, Jennie

Avanzini, John

Armstrong, Herbert W.

Armstrong, Karen

Arnott, John

Arthur, Kay

Angley, Ernest

Asbury, Revival

NAR and the Asbury Revival: Why We Should Be Concerned


 Black Liberation Theology

Bakker, Jay

Bakker, Jim 

Baucham, Voddie 

Begg, Alistair

Bentley, Todd

Bethel Church

Bible Project

Bevere, John

Bevere, Lisa

Bickle, Mike

Blackaby, Henry

Brownsville Revival 

Brown, Steve  

Howard-Browne, Rodney


Cameron, Kirk

Camping, Harold

Campolo, Tony


Celebrate Recovery


Chalke, Steve

Chan, Francis

Claiborne, Shane

Clement, Kim

Comfort, Ray

Copeland, Kenneth

 Craig, William

Christian Nationalism

Christian Zionism

Critical Race Theory 

 Christopher, Bob

Crossan, John

Crouch, Paul and Jan

Crouch, Paul Jr.

Crowder, John

Daigle, Lauren 

Daly, Jim 

David, Jeremiah 

Davis, Bob 


 Dobson, James

Dollar, Creflo

Dominion Theology

Dowd, Michael

Driscoll, Mark

Duplantis, Jesse

Dwight Thompson 


Eareckson Tada, Joni 

Eddy, Mary Baker

 Edwards, Jonathan


 Engle, Lou

Elevation/Elevation Music

Emergent Church

Evans, Rachel Held

Evans, Jimmy

Evans, Tony

Experiencing God (Blackaby)

Extra-Biblical Revelation

Falwell Jr., Jerry

Falwell Sr., Jerry

Feeney, Jim

Fillmore, Charles and Myrtle

Five-fold Ministry

Flowers, Leighton

Furtick, Steven

Gaines, Donna 

Giglio,  Louie

Goll, James

Graham, Billy

Graham Lotz, Anne

Graham, Franklin

Graham, Jack

Greear, J.D.

Groeschel, Craig

Hagee, John

Hagin, Kenneth Jr.

Hagin, Kenneth Sr.

Hall, Franklin

 Ham, Ken

 Hanegraaff, Hank

Harper, Lisa

Harvest Rock Church

Hatmaker, Jen

Hawkins, O. S.

Hawkins, Susie

Hayes, Norvel

Held Evans, Rachel

Hibbs, Jack 

Hick, John

Hickey, Marilyn

Hill-Perry, Jackie

Hillsong/Hillsong Music

Houston, Brian & Bobbie

Hinn, Benny

Hollis, Rachel

Howard-Browne, Rodney

Hubbard, L. Ron

Hurst, Chrystal Evans

Hybels, Bill



International House of Prayer (IHOP)

Idelman, Kyle

 Ingram, Chip

Ivey, Jamie


Jackson, Allen

Jacobs, Cindy

Jakes, TD

 Jeffress, Robert

Jeremiah, David

Jesus Calling

Jesus Culture

Johnson, Bill

Johnson, Jeremiah

Jones, Bob

Joyner, Rick

Keller, Tim

Kennedy Dean

Kenyon, EW

Kimball, Dan

King, Jacki C.

Kingdom Now

Kingsbury, Karen

Lane Craig, William

Latter Rain Movement

Laurie, Greg

 Lawson, Steven

Lewis, C.S.

 Lentz, Carl

Lighthouse Trails

 Lindsey, Hal  

Lindsey, Heather

Litton, Ed and Kathy

Locke, Greg

Long, Eddie

Lucado, Max

Ludy, Leslie

Luther, Martin

Luthern Church

 Lutzer, Erwin

Lyons, Rebekah

Manifest Sons of God

MacArthur, John

McClure, Joel

McCoy, Katie


McLaren, Brian

McGee, J. Vernon

Merritt, Jonathan

Merton, Thomas

Meyer, Joyce

Micah, Jory

Miller, Donald

Miller, Sharon Hodde

Minter, Kelly


Moody, D.L.

Moore, Beth

Moore, Courtney L.

MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers)


MorningStar Fellowship Church

Morris, Robert

Mother Therasa

Munroe, Myles

Murray, Arnold

Myers, Raechel

New Age Spirituality

New Apostolic Reformation

New Life Church

Niequist, Shauna

Nouwen, Henry

Olthoff, Bianca


Operation Christmas Child

Osborn, T.L.

Osteen, Joel

 Owen, John

Oyakhilome, Chris

Pagitt, Doug

Parsley, Rod

Paulk, Earl

Pavlovitz, John

Peale, Norman Vincent

Pentecostal Church

Perry, Jackie Hill

Peters, Justin

Pearson, Carlton

 Pink, A.W. 

Piper, John

Popes, all [idolaters, antichrists]

Popoff, Peter



Price, Fred KC

Prince, Joseph

Promise Keepers

Proverbs 31 Ministries

  Revival Isn’t About Sitting Around Playing Acoustic Guitars and Singing Shallow Worship Songs

RHEMA Bible Training College

Rivers, Francine

Roberts, Oral

Robertson, Pat

Rohr, Richard

Rory Alec

Roth, Sid

Rothschild, Jennifer

Russell, Charles Taze

 Russell, Bob

Rutherford, Judge

Samaritan’s Purse

Savelle, Jerry

SBC Women’s Leadership Network

Scandrette, Mark

Schuler, Robert

Seven Mountain Mandate

She Reads Truth

Shirer, Priscilla

Shultz Steve

Simmons, Brian

Smith, Colin 

Smith, Chuck

Smith, Angie

Smith, Joseph

Sprinkle, Percy

Spiritual Formation

Spiritual Mapping

Spong, John Shelby

Spurgeon, Charles

 Sproul, R.C.

Stanley, Andy

Stanley, Charles

 Stetzer, Ed

 Stones, Perry

Sun Myung Moon

Sunday Adelaja

Sweet, Leonard

 Swindoll, Chuck

Tenney, Tommy

TerKeurst, Lysa

The Alpha Course

The Bible Recap

The Chosen

The Elijah List

The Enneagram

The Passion Bible

Third Wave

Thompson, Leroy

Tilton, Robert

Toronto Blessing

 Todd, Mike

Tozer, A.W.

Trinity Broadcasting Network

United Methodist Church


Unitarian Church

Vallotton, Kris

 Vance, J.D.

Vines, Matthew

Voskamp, Ann

Wagner, C. Peter

Wallis, Jim

Walsh, Shelia

 Washer, Paul

Warnock, George

Warren, Rick

Webber, Nadia Bolz

White, Todd

White, Ellen G.

White, Paula

White, Tom

Wierwille, Victor Paul

Wilkin, Jen

William, Branham

William, Miller

Williams, Amanda

Willow Creek Church

Wimber, John

Winger, Mike 

Winston, Bill

Wolgemuth, Nancy Leigh DeMoss

Wolmarans, Theo

Womack, Andrew

Wright, Jeremiah

Yoga / “Christian” Yoga / “Holy” Yoga

Yonggi , Paul (David) Cho

Young, Sarah

 Youssef, Michael

Young, William Paul

Zacharias, Ravi 



Be aware that she supports false teachers like John MacArthur.



For those of you not familiar with The Dissenter - formally known as Reformation Charlotte - they are a nationally recognized social media critic of false mainstream Evangelical teaching that is now so pervasive in our society in this apostate age. For the record I believe most of what The Dissenter exposes and use and reference their material often. The Dissenter is a heavily monetized website. I have always been a strong opponent of and advocate against Christian websites and Social Media platforms monetizing.



 YouTube False Teachers


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