UNSPOKEN PRAYER REQUEST (where do you stand?)

UNSPOKEN PRAYER REQUEST (where do you stand?)

(Lets face it people ask for unspoken request all the time, so what is the right answer for this, as a believer in the power of prayer I just pray for them, so looking around and there are so many more opinions on this out there here are 4 I found, are they the right answer I don't know it's up to you to decide so with that I say just pray for them and give it to God our Father in Heaven and Jesus our Lord and Savior. Now there are those that are just looking for something to gossip about, so you can relate as to why some people don't as they say want there business out there. So with that just pray and include it in your prayers we all know God is listening, and he knows, yes he knows.)

How do you pray for those with unspoken prayer requests?

Lord Jesus, I pray today for those with unspoken prayer requests, those whose hurts are too deep to be spoken, those whose hearts are too broken. I pray for those who can't dress their pain with words, because they believe the shame or regret they wear is too heavy to remove. I ask for this in Jesus Most Holy Name, Amen.






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