
Showing posts from May, 2022

Overview: Micah

Overview: Micah

Overview: Jonah

Overview: Jonah
Attendee: Pastor, can I request for prayer? Pastor: Yes, sure. What is it? Attendee: It's about my relative. Pastor: What do you want us to pray for your relative? Attendee: She died a week ago. So, I request that God will guide her. Pastor: Oh? Hmmm... Let me put it this way, If you are taking an exam, when will you pray before you take the exam or after? Attendee: Before... Pastor: Yes, that's true. You see, if we pray after the exam, it is like asking God to change our answers and that cannot be done. Likewise, when we die it is like the exam is done. We cannot change the outcome after it. In Hebrews 9:27 we are told that we are to die once and then we will face the judgment after that. That means we don't get a second chance after death. I'm sorry, but that is the truth. Attendee: Oh? Is that so....? Pastor: Yes. I'm sorry about your relative, but I cannot pray for her anymore. Death has closed the door of opportunity for her. That's exactly why we preach th

Overview: 2 Timothy

Overview: 2 Timothy

Overview: Obadiah

Overview: Obadiah

Our Calling

 Our Calling There is often this misconception about a calling that a true calling from God is to carry out some form of ministry; preaching, pastoring, evangelising, whatever it may be. 'Secular' work as in banking, teaching, trading, manufacturing, all are considered less than a true calling from God. But this is not what the Bible teaches. Adam was called to work, to name the animals and to oversee the garden, and this was before the fall. This is the original calling of God for Adam and this has not changed. Banking, teaching, manufacturing are as much a calling of God as preaching and evangelising. And that is why Paul tells us to remain in whatever we have been doing at the time of our conversion as this is God's calling for us. Prayer: Lord God, let us understand your calling of us that in whatever walk of life we are in, we work for you and we work to glorify your name. Let us through our attitudes, our motives and the actual work that we do, truly glorify your name

Overview: Amos

Overview: Amos

Overview: Joel

Overview: Joel

Perseverance is the badge of true saint

Perseverance is the badge of true saints. The Christian life is not a beginning only in the ways of God, but also a continuance in the same as long as life lasts. It is with a Christian as it was with the great Napoleon: he said, "Conquest has made me what I am, and conquest must maintain me." So, under God, dear brother in the Lord, conquest has made you what you are, and conquest must sustain you. Your motto must be, "Excelsior." He only is a true conqueror, and shall be crowned at the last, who continueth till war's trumpet is blown no more. Perseverance is, therefore, the target of all our spiritual enemies. The world does not object to your being a Christian for a time, if she can but tempt you to cease your pilgrimage, and settle down to buy and sell with her in Vanity Fair. The flesh will seek to ensnare you, and to prevent your pressing on to glory. "It is weary work being a pilgrim; come, give it up. Am I always to be mortified? Am I never to be in

Overview: 1 Timothy

Overview: 1 Timothy

"Forsake me not, O Lord." — Psalm 38:21

"Forsake me not, O Lord." — Psalm 38:21 Frequently we pray that God would not forsake us in the hour of trial and temptation, but we too much forget that we have need to use this prayer at all times. Whether in light or in darkness, in communion or in temptation, we alike need the prayer, "Forsake me not, O Lord." "Hold Thou me up, and I shall be safe."  Forsake me not, for without Thee I am weak, but with Thee I am strong. Forsake me not, for my path is dangerous, and full of snares, and I cannot do without Thy guidance. 

Luke 8

Luke 8:4 One day he gave this illustration to a large crowd that was gathering to hear him—while many others were still on the way, coming from other towns. 5 “A farmer went out to his field to sow grain. As he scattered the seed on the ground, some of it fell on a footpath and was trampled on; and the birds came and ate it as it lay exposed. 6 Other seed fell on shallow soil with rock beneath. This seed began to grow, but soon withered and died for lack of moisture. 7 Other seed landed in thistle patches, and the young grain stalks were soon choked out. 8 Still other fell on fertile soil; this seed grew and produced a crop one hundred times as large as he had planted.” (As he was giving this illustration he said, “If anyone has listening ears, use them now!”) 9 His apostles asked him what the story meant. 10 He replied, “God has granted you to know the meaning of these parables, for they tell a great deal about the Kingdom of God. But these crowds hear the words and do not understand,

Devotional We The Church

Devotional We, the church, are the temple of God - the dwelling place of His Spirit. If anyone destroys the church, God will destroy him - what a strong word! We all need to work towards building the church and not pulling it down. In the context of the first 4 chapters of 1 Corinthians, we pull down and destroy the church through divisions in the church, through jealousy and having strife in the church. Let us work in unity to build rather than destroy the church, God's dwelling place. Prayer: Lord, let us always work towards building your church and not do anything to destroy it. Let us not speak ill of the leaders and the activities of the church; let us not cause division by favoring a few and rejecting others. Let us be united, of one mind and committed to the church's vision as we serve you and worship you. In Jesus' Holy Name, Amen.

Recognize Your Vulnerability

Recognize Your Vulnerability 1 Corinthians 10:12-13 Some Christians see a fellow believer fall into sin but fail to acknowledge that they, too, could stumble. That's dangerous. Satan has them right where he wants them: deceived by a false sense of confidence. Three enemies are constantly at work trying to bring us down: the Devil, his world system, and our own treacherous flesh. Even though believers have a righteous standing before God, we must each, like Paul, acknowledge an internal problem: "sin which dwells in me" (Rom. 7:20). Satan takes full advantage of this weakness, luring us with fleshly and worldly temptations. He stokes our pride so we'll be blinded to our own vulnerability to stumbling. Christians need to be continually on guard. Since ignorance--of the nature of sin, the strategies of the Enemy, and our own areas of weakness--sets us up for failure, we cannot afford to be careless in our thinking. Anytime you find yourself excusing, redefining, or ratio

Overview: Hosea

Overview: Hosea

Do not be afraid, for I am with you.​—Isaiah 41:10

Do not be afraid, for I am with you.​—Isaiah 41:10. Jehovah shows that he is with us by giving us his full attention and his warm affection. Note how he expresses his tender and deep feelings for us. “You became precious in my eyes,” says Jehovah. “You were honored, and I have loved you.” (Isaiah 43:4) No force in the universe can make Jehovah abandon his love for those who serve him; his loyalty to us is unshakable. (Isaiah 54:10) Jehovah does not promise to remove the challenges that make life difficult, but he will not allow “the rivers” of problems to drown us or “the flame” of trials to do us any permanent damage. He guarantees that he will be with us, helping us to “pass through” those challenges. What will Jehovah do? He will help quiet our fears so that we can maintain our integrity to him, even if we face death. (Isaiah 41:13; 43:2) When we trust in God’s promise “I will be with you,” we too will be courageous and strong as we endure trials. 

Overview: Daniel

Overview: Daniel

Overview: 2 Thessalonians

Overview: 2 Thessalonians

Overview: Ezekiel 34-48

Overview: Ezekiel 34-48

Overview: Ezekiel 1-33

Overview: Ezekiel 1-33

1 Corinthians 2:10-16

1 Corinthians 2:10-16 10 For to us God revealed  them  through the Spirit; for the Spirit searches all things, even the depths of God.  11 For who among men knows the  thoughts  of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so the  thoughts  of God no one knows except the Spirit of God.  12 Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may know the things freely given to us by God,  13 which things we also speak, not in words taught by human wisdom, but in those taught by the Spirit, combining spiritual  thoughts  with spiritual  words. 14 But a natural man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually appraised.   15 But he who is spiritual appraises all things, yet he himself is appraised by no one.   16 For   WHO HAS KNOWN THE MIND OF THE   L ORD ,   THAT HE WILL INSTRUCT   H IM ? But we have the mind of Christ. But we have the

Overview: Lamentations

Overview: Lamentations

The Impact of Prayer

The Impact of Prayer 1 Thessalonians 5:17-18 Prayer is the lifeblood of an intimate relationship with the Father. But believers often have questions about its power and effectiveness. Don’t hesitate to take your queries to the Lord, dig into Scripture for answers, and seek the counsel of a trusted spiritual mentor. Prayer is too important to neglect. Will God’s plans fail if I don’t pray? God is not subservient to believers or dependent upon their prayers. The time we invest in speaking with Him involves us in the work that He is doing in our lives and in the world, but He will carry on without us. Laboring alongside the Lord is our privilege. Does my prayer (or lack thereof) impact God’s work? I believe that Scripture indicates the answer to this question is both yes and no, depending upon the situation. There are times when God’s purpose is set. He is in control and has determined the best course. In the Old Testament, the Lord often prophesied what He would do and then brought those

Overview: 1 Thessalonians

Overview: 1 Thessalonians

Overview: Jeremiah

Overview: Jeremiah

Overview: Isaiah 40-66

Overview: Isaiah 40-66

Overview: Isaiah 1-39

Overview: Isaiah 1-39

Practical Ways to Bear Burdens

Practical Ways to Bear Burdens 1 Thessalonians 5:14 There are hurting people everywhere, but at times we just don't know what to say or do to ease their pain. Here are six practical ways to bear someone else's burden. Be there. At times the best "method" of helping is simply to be present. During our darkest hours, we don't need someone who tries in vain to fix everything; we just need a friend. Listen. Don't attempt to give answers or tell people what to do next. Injured souls frequently want simply a listening ear so they can express what's on their mind. Share. Never parade yourself as someone who has all the answers. Instead, allow your own pain and failures to help others. Pray. There is power in speaking people's names before the Lord. When they hear someone talk to Jesus on their behalf, healing often starts taking place. Give. Sometimes helping others involves more than a handshake or warm hug. Maybe they need something financial or material. O

One of the primary ways that Satan attacks us

One of the primary ways that Satan attacks us is through accusation. Revelation 12:10 refers to him as “the accuser of our brethren” (NKJV). First, he tempts you, and then he condemns you for giving in to temptation. He will accuse you and use your own sins in a hateful way to destroy you. We need to learn to know the difference between Satan’s accusations and the Holy Spirit’s conviction. When a Christian sins, and yes, Christians will sin, the Holy Spirit will convict or convince us of our sin. But it isn’t because He wants to drive us into shame. He wants to bring us back to Jesus. GE

Keep the Fires Burning

Keep the Fires Burning In His Presence: Psalms 51:12 The carnal Christian is characterized by withdrawing from the fellowship of other Christians. “Not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near” (Hebrews 10:25). One of the ways we know we are on the road to carnality is when we feel that church doesn’t matter much any more. While we don’t have to go to church to become Christians, attending church is necessary for us to grow spiritually. Attending a Bible-believing, Bible-teaching fellowship will inspire and motivate us in this direction. Mature Christians not only want to be blessed, but they want to be a blessing to others. “Let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds”(v. 24). God saved us to be part of His body. Our fingers couldn’t work without our hands, and our hands couldn’t work without our wrists. Our wrists couldn’t work without our arms, and our arms wo

Overview: Song of Songs

Overview: Song of Songs

Overview: Ecclesiastes

Overview: Ecclesiastes

Overview: Colossians

Overview: Colossians

Overview: Proverbs

Overview: Proverbs

Overview: Psalms

Overview: Psalms

Overview: Philippians

Overview: Philippians

A Misunderstood Commandment (The Misuse Of The Lord's Name In Vain)

A Misunderstood Commandment (The Misuse Of The Lord's Name In Vain) “You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain” (Exodus 20:7 NKJV). I think one of the most misunderstood of the Ten Commandments is this one: “You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain” (Exodus 20:7 NKJV). It’s probably one of the most easily broken commandments because it’s so misunderstood. The term “in vain” means to use in a frivolous or insincere manner. One of the obvious ways to do this is by using profanity. And by the way, “damn” is not God’s last name. The Bible tells us, “Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name” (Philippians 2:9 NKJV). When a person uses the name of Jesus in vain, I think in a way they’re acknowledging there’s power in His name. For instance, some people who claim to be athei

Overview: Esther

Overview: Esther

Overview: Ephesians

Overview: Ephesians

Overview: Ezra-Nehemiah

Overview: Ezra-Nehemiah

Overview Chronicles

Overview Chronicles

Selfish Christianity

Selfish Christianity John 6:22-27 Which interests you more—who Jesus is or what He can do for you? I’m afraid that too many of us are more concerned about what He can give us than we are about getting to know who He is. But this is nothing new—Jesus had this problem when He walked on earth. The crowds often sought Him out for what He could do for them. Even though their needs were quite often legitimate, Christ knew their motives. There is a fine line between selfishly trying to use the Lord to get what we want and humbly coming to Him with our needs and struggles. Some of the issues we bring to Him are so pressing and urgent in our minds that our desire for Him to take action in the way we want becomes greater than our willingness to submit to His will. At times, what we call “faith” is really a demanding spirit. We must remember that our needs will come to an end, but Jesus Christ will remain forever. If our prayers have dealt only with presenting our requests to the Lord, we’ve miss

Overview: 1-2 Kings

Overview: 1-2 Kings

The Comfortable Church

The Comfortable Church Matthew 28:16-20 I think it’s fairly evident that the society we live in is very self-centered, and this same characteristic can be present in a church. Whenever a local body of believers develops an inward focus, its fruitfulness in ministry begins to decrease, and each member’s Christian walk is hindered. Many believers want their church to be cozy and comfortable. They come to listen to a nice sermon, fellowship with friends, and have their needs met. But Godnever intended for the gathering of His people to be like a country club; He calls us to join an army that will bring the gospel into enemy territory. An effective church—one that poses a real threat to the Enemy—is a body of discipled people who have been taught the truth of Scripture, trained for service, and helped to mature spiritually. But all this is accomplished for the purpose of going out into the world, not for becoming a self-contained sanctuary of Christian comfort. The urgency of the Lord’s co

The Service of Motherhood

The Service of Motherhood Philippians 2:1-11 Children are a blessing from the Lord (Ps. 127:3-5). Motherhood is a great honor and privilege, yet it is also synonymous with servanthood. Every day women are called upon to selflessly meet the needs of their families. Whether they are awake at night nursing a baby, spending their time and money on less-than-grateful teenagers, or preparing meals, moms continuously put others before themselves. Sometimes this constant serving can be exhausting and even discouraging—particularly for a first-time mother. But you can take real encouragement from Jesus. One of the best examples of gracious servanthood is found in John 13:3-16. By kneeling to wash His disciples’ feet, the Lord showed that the key to true leadership is humility. And it is humility that leads to eternal reward. Unless you are willing to stoop down and get your hands dirty, you will miss the real riches of motherhood. By dying to your own desires and pouring your life into someone

Ten Commandments


Forever Linked

Forever Linked History, philosophy, theology, and—in many centers of learning—even the sciences are being studied to discover what  they have to say about Jesus Christ. The records of the Early Church are being reexamined for their testimony to Him.  Archaeologists are digging to discover new evidence.  Some say that Jesus Christ is a myth, and He never existed in history. Others say that He was merely a man, that there  was nothing supernatural about His birth, and that His resurrection was a hallucination. Others talk about a Christless  Christianity. Some say that no matter what one thinks about Christ, it does not affect Christianity. They are wrong!  Christianity is forever linked with the Person of Christ. Carlyle recognized this when he said, “Had this doctrine of the  deity of Christ been lost, Christianity would have vanished like a dream.” The historian Lecky remarks, “Christianity is  not a system of morals, it is the worship of a Person.” Jesus Is

My Identity

Let's see here: I identify as a CHRISTIAN   I believe in God, Jesus & The Holy Spirit I also believe in water baptism I believe in forgiving  I am also a sinner and I fail   I believe in repentance I Believe In Prayer I pray for a worldwide revival and pray for un- believers to come to no God and Jesus and awaking the Holy Spirit in them.  I Am A Child Of God What Say You?

God will deal with a nation that turns its back on Him

God will deal with a nation that turns its back on Him. If a culture wants to be free of God, He will let it have that freedom. But freedom from God brings dire consequences. Pagans do not normally turn to God when things get rough. But this Scripture isn’t addressing pagans; it is addressing “My people who are called by My name” (v. 14). The people who are supposed to pray for their nation are God’s covenant people. In the Old Testament, His covenant people were the Jews. In the New Testament, the covenant people are the church—the body of true believers who have accepted Jesus Christ as our Sin-bearer and Redeemer.

What can we do for those who say that 'there is no God?'

Some people believe that the world is governed by chance, not by God, and that morality is man-made, not divine. This ideology did not start today. David identified atheists and called them fools: “The fool says in his heart, ‘There is no God’.” This verse in fact occurs in two passages in the Psalms (14:1 and 53:1). It is obvious that one of the characteristics of fools is that they do not believe in the existence of God. Their statements do not literally deny the existence of God but give them the impetus to continue in their wicked ways. These people are not only foolish but wicked as well. They’ve come to believe that God does not exist and that they are not accountable to Him at the end of their journey here on earth. This belief has given them the license to live freely and do what pleases them. The unfortunate thing is that more and more people are joining them. Are they possessed by the devil? I do not think so because even the devil and his demons know that God exists: “You be

Tragedy in the Church House

Matthew 5:14-15 Every Sunday countless people all over the world sit in church buildings with a false sense of security. They assume that their morality, lifelong church membership, or baptism will earn them a place in heaven. While many of these folks sincerely desire to please God, they are confused about what the Christian life is all about. They think in terms of doing rather than being. So they imitate the actions of good Christians: going to a weekly service, praying, reading the Bible, and trying to be decent people. However, salvation is not the product of good works. We come into the world with a corrupt nature, and all our wrongdoing is born of a heart turned away from the Lord. Because we are sinful people, we sin. It's that simple. The good news is that in the salvation experience, we are given a brand-new nature (2 Cor. 5:17). Our sin is wiped away because Jesus Christ sacrificed Himself for us. From the moment we trust in Him, the Holy Spirit dwells in our hearts so t

Overview: 1 Samuel

Overview: 1 Samuel

Only a fool would say to himself, ‘There is no God.'

Only a fool would say to himself, ‘There is no God.' And why does he say it? Because of his wicked heart, his dark and evil deeds. His life is corroded with sin. —Psalm 53:1 (TLB) We live like a little ant on this little speck of dust out in space. We get a Ph.D. degree and we strut across the stage and say, “Well, I don’t know whether or not there is a God.” And we can’t even control ourselves. We can’t even keep from blowing ourselves apart. We can’t even keep from manufacturing nuclear weapons that could destroy the world. We can’t even keep from hating each other, and fighting with each other, and killing each other. We can’t even keep from stealing from each other. We can’t even keep from dying, because all of us are going to die. No wonder the Bible says, “The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God,” because a man that would deny the existence of God is a fool.

So we all go to different church's "BUT"

The following is not directed at anyone but needed to vent and I can only try to make myself a better person and I have friends that go to various church's: So we all go to different church's "BUT" aren't we all Christians so hopefully this says it best now I know there are some more passages that should have been included but wanted to keep it short and everybody has the GOD giving right to pray the way they want, so pray and keep the faith: Individuals who hold to an "I'm a better Christian than you" mindset can always find Scripture that will support their stance. What they need to do is examine their rationale for holding to this view. If their offering of correction is not sparked from love, then one can only conclude vanity is their only motivation. Philippians 2:2-3: "Fulfill my joy by being like-minded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind. Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of min

Dear Concerned Child

Dear Concerned Child, I assume that you are using the term “feel good” to define churches—especially today’s megachurches—which seem to water down the gospel and avoid and/or seldom use the word “sin” in order not to offend. These churches seem to prefer pop-cultural counseling sermons to Biblical ones. Some describe “feel good” churches as those which minimize the awe and holiness of God in favor of a “good-buddy” Jesus who is more friend than Lord and Savior. The music in these churches seems more “me” focused than God focused. Sermons and worship services seem shallow and close to a waste of time to Christians who long to mature in their faith.  It’s not the church’s job to make us comfortable. Its job is to help to make us holy. We cannot be real and active members of the Body of Christ if we categorically refuse to walk the path Christ laid out for us. We cannot be members of the church if we do not love Christ, and we cannot love Christ if we scoff at his commandments. When I go

Overview: Ruth

Overview: Ruth

Overview: Judges

Overview: Judges

2 Corinthians

2 Corinthians