Do not be afraid, for I am with you.​—Isaiah 41:10

Do not be afraid, for I am with you.​—Isaiah 41:10.

Jehovah shows that he is with us by giving us his full attention and his warm affection. Note how he expresses his tender and deep feelings for us. “You became precious in my eyes,” says Jehovah. “You were honored, and I have loved you.” (Isaiah 43:4) No force in the universe can make Jehovah abandon his love for those who serve him; his loyalty to us is unshakable. (Isaiah 54:10) Jehovah does not promise to remove the challenges that make life difficult, but he will not allow “the rivers” of problems to drown us or “the flame” of trials to do us any permanent damage. He guarantees that he will be with us, helping us to “pass through” those challenges. What will Jehovah do? He will help quiet our fears so that we can maintain our integrity to him, even if we face death. (Isaiah 41:13; 43:2) When we trust in God’s promise “I will be with you,” we too will be courageous and strong as we endure trials. 


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