Dear Concerned Child

Dear Concerned Child,

I assume that you are using the term “feel good” to define churches—especially today’s megachurches—which seem to water down the gospel and avoid and/or seldom use the word “sin” in order not to offend. These churches seem to prefer pop-cultural counseling sermons to Biblical ones. Some describe “feel good” churches as those which minimize the awe and holiness of God in favor of a “good-buddy” Jesus who is more friend than Lord and Savior. The music in these churches seems more “me” focused than God focused. Sermons and worship services seem shallow and close to a waste of time to Christians who long to mature in their faith. 

It’s not the church’s job to make us comfortable. Its job is to help to make us holy.

We cannot be real and active members of the Body of Christ if we categorically refuse to walk the path Christ laid out for us. We cannot be members of the church if we do not love Christ, and we cannot love Christ if we scoff at his commandments.

When I go to church, I don’t want to be told that I need not change, I need not repent, I need not confront my wickedness. I don’t want to have my false sense of spiritual security and superiority reinforced. I don’t want to be told that I’m perfect. I want to be reminded that I can be forgiving and I am loved by God and Jesus and they will forgive me all I have to do is ask and pray and keep the faith and they are there always with open arms!

O Breath of Life, come sweeping thro' us.

Revive Thy Church with life and power;

O Breath of Life, come, cleanse, renew us,

And fit Thy Church to meet this hour!

(Bessie P. Head, 1850-1936)

Isaiah 5:20

King James Bible

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!


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