Devotional We The Church


We, the church, are the temple of God - the dwelling place of His Spirit. If anyone destroys the church, God will destroy him - what a strong word! We all need to work towards building the church and not pulling it down. In the context of the first 4 chapters of 1 Corinthians, we pull down and destroy the church through divisions in the church, through jealousy and having strife in the church. Let us work in unity to build rather than destroy the church, God's dwelling place.

Prayer: Lord, let us always work towards building your church and not do anything to destroy it. Let us not speak ill of the leaders and the activities of the church; let us not cause division by favoring a few and rejecting others. Let us be united, of one mind and committed to the church's vision as we serve you and worship you. In Jesus' Holy Name, Amen.


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