Christians are always asking God for things

 Christians are always asking God for things. We may ask for a life with our personal issues in order, a life with a better job, a life with our relationships on an even keel, or a life where things in general go better than they have been. We ask for things, but our asking does not always match up well with the greatness and loving kindness of the God that we serve. Perhaps to avoid disappointment, perhaps because we underestimate God, we can at times temper our asking and thinking to what we simply assume to be more realistic levels.
The message of our verses for today, however, encourages us to move beyond the realism of lower expectations. We serve a God who can do far more abundantly than anything we could ever ask or think. He can do more than put our personal life in order---He can cause it to flourish. He can do more than find us a better job---He can find us the job we were made for. He can do more than place our relationships on an even keel---He can take them to new heights of fulfillment. And He can do more than make things go better---He can make things go great.
God can accomplish all of this through the power that is at work within us. This is, of course, the power of the Holy Spirit. It is the power that can heal us physically, transform us spiritually, and lead us and inspire us to greater levels of success in life. It can take us in directions that we never expected and that we never thought possible. It is the power of the Holy Spirit that takes us to levels beyond what we can ask or think. This is because it is a supernatural power at work within our very natural lives. When the Holy Spirit goes to work, anything can happen.
Let us begin the day, and every day, ascribing glory, honor, praise, and worship to the God who alone can do far more than we ask or think.


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