5 Counterfeit Truths of Progressive Christianity

5 Counterfeit Truths of Progressive Christianity

What Is Progressive Christianity?

The movement called progressive Christianity seeks to redefine what it means to be a Christian. Although it is marketed as “the real thing,” core essential doctrines are abandoned or radically redefined. Progressive Christianity utilizes Scripture, employs Christian vocabulary, and claims to follow the teachings of Jesus. Although it looks, smells, and sounds like the real thing, it ends up being more like fake brie than the historic Christian gospel. At the end of the day, the unifying beliefs of their movement add up to counterfeit truths.

1st Counterfeit Truth of Progressive Christianity: You Are Perfect Just as You Are

2nd Counterfeit Truth of Progressive Christianity: Jesus Didn’t Need to Die on the Cross

3rd Counterfeit Truth of Progressive Christianity: The Resurrection Doesn’t Have to Be Historical to Be Meaningful

4th Counterfeit Truth of Progressive Christianity: God Isn’t That Concerned about Who We Sleep with

5th Counterfeit Truth of Progressive Christianity: The Bible is an Ancient Travel Journal

Historically, Christians have believed that the Bible is inspired by God and authoritative for our lives. When the biblical authors wrote things like “God says” or “It is written” or “Thus says the Lord,” they were actually speaking for God, not just communicating their best understandings of him. Because of this, we believe the Bible is God’s Word and should be obeyed. But in progressive Christianity, the authority for our beliefs, behaviors, and practices shifts from the Bible to our own thoughts, feelings, and preferences.

According to this counterfeit truth, the Bible is viewed more like a book of suggestions and possibilities than an authoritative standard for truth.  

Follow the Real Jesus and reading your Bible is daily is fundamental!




 This sounds familiar to a certain series showing now days, doesn’t it?


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