Let’s pray for Israel and it's people

 Let’s pray for Israel and it's people:

Dear God, we implore your protection for the Jewish people, Your chosen ones, who are currently facing unspeakable atrocities. Our hearts grieve with them as they mourn the loss of family, friends, children, and coworkers solely due to their ethnicity and faith. Grant, O Father, the smallest glimmer of hope to those who pray amidst this ongoing conflict. Help us see that the actions of groups like Hamas are driven not by political reform, geopolitical concerns, or the defense of Gaza but by a cruel mission to annihilate the Jewish people.

We pray for unity among Israel and its allies to safeguard the innocent. Grant people the clarity to discern the true intentions of Hamas and other destructive forces. We may not fully comprehend the reasons for these horrific events, not only in the Middle East but also around the world. Grant us the strength to renew our hope during these dark times and guide us in supporting our Jewish friends and neighbors through prayer, donations, and acts of love.

May those who harbor anti-Semitic sentiments be convicted by Your Spirit. We pray for justice but also for their hearts to be deeply transformed. Lord, we await Your swift return, and in the meantime, we ask for the fortitude to stand up for the Jewish people, using the verses from John to denounce anti-Semitism as wrong and evil, evident in the actions of groups like Hamas.

We Ask For All This In Jesus Most Holy Name, AMEN!


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