And telling those of us that are fighting through depression to "just have more faith" will only sink us deeper into despair... because we already have all the faith we can muster.

We didn't choose this.

It chose us.

The sum total of our life experiences and brain chemistry have created a whirlwind of confusion that we often cannot control, no matter how hard we try. What does that mean?

Well, it means several things.

(1) We actually DO try.
(2) We actually DO have faith.
(3) We experience multiplied difficulty in daily life.

It's not easy for the depressed to make it through a day. A normal "day" for us is everything normal + trying to control and understand things happening within our brain that seem impossible to control and understand.

Depression and anxiety are a full time job in their own right.

Many are going through this season of psychological struggle due to the circumstances of the world that they cannot control. Health issues, financial problems, unemployment, isolation, loneliness, fear...

Many also blame themselves for these situations because they have been told they "don't have enough faith," and thus tumble deeper into a bottomless pit of despair.

No one wants to suffer from depression. Why would they?

On behalf of all us Christians who are fighting through depression, we ask those of you who don't struggle:

1. Bear with us... we're doing our best to fight through this
2. Check on us... but don't preach empty platitudes at us... we really do have faith
3. Fight for us... we need your prayers, even if we don't know you're praying them
4. Stay near us... we need your presence, even if you don't know what to say

No one wants to be depressed. As Christians it is our job to come alongside our depressed friends and family in love and compassion, not to cause them further despair by preaching empty words at them.

Keep Praying!




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