The time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine!

 2 Timothy 4:1–5

A research study by Arizona Christian University found that only 37 percent of American pastors hold to a biblical worldview. Many do not hold biblical beliefs on issues such as salvation and human sexuality. For example, “at least a third of senior pastors in the United States believe one can earn a place in Heaven by simply being a good person.” A similar number see reincarnation as a real possibility.

The time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. 2 Timothy 4:3

Great patience is required because most people don’t really want sound doctrine (vv. 3–4). Sometimes they won’t even tolerate it. Instead, they prefer to have their ears tickled. They follow false teachers who say what they want to hear. They turn away from the truth and toward lies and deceptions. Because of sin and Satan, people don’t naturally love truth. Even believers must cultivate love of truth as a godly habit.

>> There is a lot of so-called Christian teaching readily available for us today. This calls for biblical discernment. Be sure to compare what you’re watching and hearing with Scripture so you can tell if it is truly from God.

Pray with Us

Time has shown us cultural evils like slavery that even believers once accepted as good. But not every cultural shift is for the better. As our culture pushes us to endorse new stances, help us interpret these things through Scripture.

Dr. Bradley Baurain


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