You want to start a revival

 You want to start a revival then start one not set around and sing about it, start spreading the word, you can have all the love fest you want but unless you are speaking the word and get people get to see there sins then it's just a waste, it takes a lot more than kumbaya songs and feeling good about yourself, UNLESS you genuinely want to repent and give your life to God and BE obedient.  See there's that word "BE OBEDIENT" to God.

I also don’t think most Americans have heard an authentic, biblical gospel presentation. In fact, I think we have a lot of “almost Christians” in our nation today. They know a little about the gospel, but they don’t understand it fully. They haven’t responded to it or embraced it.

For example, when the apostle Paul presented the gospel to Herod Agrippa, the ruler said, Agrippa interrupted him. “Do you think you can persuade me to become a Christian so quickly?” Acts 26:28 NLT

One of the greatest revivals in human history started with one man, Jonah. Initially he ran from God, but ultimately he came to his senses. God has called us, like Jonah, to go and preach the gospel. The question is, are we doing it?

In Charles Finney (Charles Grandison Finney (August 29, 1792 – August 16, 1875) was an American Presbyterian minister and leader in the Second Great Awakening in the United States. He has been called the "Father of Old Revivalism.") autobiography he said, “A revival may be expected when Christians have a spirit of prayer for a revival. That is, when they pray as if their hearts were set upon it.” Finney’s accomplishments were built on a foundation of purposeful and passionate prayer.

The first thing we must do to see revival in our nation is pray. Take a moment right now to pray. Pray for the gospel to spread and the church to be strengthened and revived. Pray for America to turn to the only person that can bring true revival: Jesus out Lord and Savior, not just set around and sing kumbaya songs.

Get right he is coming so whose side you want to be on, and JESUS wins in the end.


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