It's more than just love your neighbors

It's more than just love your neighbors.

Do you read your Bible daily?
Do you pray daily?
Do you Repent?
Do you share the word?
Have you been born again?
Are you jumping on the bandwagon just because it feels good?
Do you have a good Bible fearing church you go to?
Do you have a preacher that will preach what is the  real word not the water downed kind nowadays?
If your preacher is behind the pulpit and doesn't want to offended anyone by there sermon then just what are they doing?
You have to stick to his word now matter what.
Now if you won't preach on sin or just afraid that you will again offend one of your parishioners because of there politics or sins then why are you preaching?
It's his word, preach it the good the bad and BOTH the old and the new testaments.
There's more than just sitting around sing kumbaya songs to feel good it's what are you going to do after that?
Go With God.


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