What does the Bible say about God changing his mind?

Good question everyone has their own opinions but here are some I found!

What does the Bible say about God changing his mind?

The fact is that God knows all things (1 John 3:20) and He has known it all forever. To say that God would actually change His mind would imply that God, who is supposed to have known all things forever, decided to act in a manner that was different from what He has always known He would do.

Does God change His mind? | GotQuestions.org www.gotquestions.org/God-change-mind.html

Can God really change his mind?

There’s one sense in which it seems God is changing His mind, and there’s another sense in which the Bible says God never changes His mind because God is omniscient. He knows all things from the beginning, and He is immutable. He is unchanging. There’s no shadow of turning within Him.

Does God change His mind? | GotQuestions.org


Can our prayers cause God to change his mind?

Prayer may not change God's mind, but it does change our hearts. Prayer is how we communicate with God. Through prayer God reveals His character to us. We learn that He loves us and wants what is best for us. He knows our needs and our wants and already has a plan to fulfill them. He imparts wisdom to us and speaks truth to us.

Does prayer change God's mind? - CompellingTruth.org



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