The Breaker of Chains

The Breaker of Chains 

Matthew 6:9-13           Exodus 20:1-3

Throughout the Scriptures, we are shown story after story of God rescuing His people from slavery. The book of Exodus gives us the account of God rescuing the people of Israel from their captivity in Egypt. When Jesus shows up, God does something even more significant. He rescues us from our slavery to sin and death.

This is why the Gospel is called good news. It’s the announcement that Jesus defeated death, sin, and darkness through His sacrifice on the cross and His resurrection from the grave. Now, anyone who puts their faith in Him can be freed from their past and welcomed into His Kingdom.

Today, let’s thank God for freeing us from the chains that once held us prisoner.


Lord, thank you for being a God who rescues. Without you, I would still be a slave to sin and my own selfish desires. But with you, I have a new life and I have hope. Thank you. There is no one like you. Help me to worship you with all that I am. In Jesus’ name, amen.


Then God gave the people all these instructions: “I am the Lord your God, who rescued you from the land of Egypt, the place of your slavery. You must not have any other god but me.” Exodus 20:1-3 NLT

For he has rescued us from the kingdom of darkness and transferred us into the Kingdom of his dear Son, who purchased our freedom and forgave our sins. Colossians 1:13-14 NLT


Before God asked the people of Israel to obey the Ten Commandments, He rescued them from Egypt. Before we ever chose to follow Jesus, He died for us on the cross.

Why do you think the order of those events matters? What does it tell you about God’s character?

What if the order was reversed? How would your view of God change if He wouldn’t rescue the people of Israel until after they started obeying the Ten Commandments? What would you think if Jesus wasn’t willing to die on the cross for your sins until after you committed your life to Him?


Pray to God with adoration. Start with the words that Jesus taught us to pray. As you do, think about the order of how God has chosen to act in the world. Thank Him for being the God who goes first.

As you do, imagine you are talking to God face-to-face. Because, at its most basic level, that’s really what prayer is: talking to God.

When you’re ready, pray to your Father using Jesus’ words, “Pray like this: Our Father in heaven, may your name be kept holy.” Matthew 6:9 NLT


Create space to experience God’s presence by getting quiet, getting alone, and asking Him to speak. Start by setting a timer for five minutes.

Next, ask God to speak to you.

When you get distracted, because you will get distracted, bring your focus back to God by repeating the first words of this prayer: “Our Father…”

When the timer ends, thank God for the time you got to spend with Him, then head into your day looking for opportunities to better serve Him and serve others.


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