Resources of Heaven

 Resources of Heaven

Romans 8:16-17     Matthew 6:9-13 

There are so many wrong things that need to be righted in our world today. It can feel daunting when it comes to thinking about where and how to step in.

No matter how resourced you are or are not, through prayer and because of Jesus, we have access to the resources of heaven. That’s what it means to be an heir.

More on that, but first, let’s pray…


Heavenly Father, I need you. When I look at the world today, there’s a lot of brokenness. But I choose to believe that you are more than enough. Jesus, thank you for bringing me into the family of God and sharing your inheritance with me. Holy Spirit, continue to teach me how to pray in line with your good plans for the world. I trust you. In Jesus’ name, amen.


For his Spirit joins with our spirit to affirm that we are God’s children. And since we are his children, we are his heirs. In fact, together with Christ we are heirs of God’s glory. But if we are to share his glory, we must also share his suffering. Romans 6:16-17 NLT


What does it mean to be an heir? Typically, it refers to a person who is part of the family and set to receive possessions or property when someone dies.

Think about the fact that when Jesus died, He not only made it possible for you to be adopted into the family of God, His death also gave us access to the inheritance, God’s resources, here and now.

When we pray and intercede, we get to act as heirs who rightfully access and distribute the resources of heaven. That is authority. That’s why Jesus tells us to pray using His name. Not because “in Jesus’ name” is some magic phrase to get what we want, but rather, it’s the invitation to access His inheritance. Using His name indicates that we are part of His family. Just like your last name indicates what family you are a part of.

In what ways do you identify as part of God’s family? What holds you back from seeing yourself that way? What is a resource of God’s that the world really needs? What would it look like to confidently ask for and look for ways to distribute that today?


What is the heavenly resource you see a need for today? Peace, hope, or power? Something else? Ask God for that with the confident assurance that you are a co-heir with Christ. Then, look for ways throughout your day to share that with others.


As you finish praying today, create space for God to speak to you. Set your timer for five minutes and just be still and quiet, humbling yourself before your good King.

Ask Him to speak to you.

When you get distracted, come back to Jesus by praying the Lord’s Prayer, slowly, line-by-line, listening for the Holy Spirit to comfort and challenge you to take a step of obedience today.


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