Jeremiah 2


Jeremiah 2

The chapter today illustrates the relationship between God and Judah in a number of ways. It starts out well, like a couple that is in the beginning stages of infatuation, but turns sour over time. God says that He has been faithful throughout, but Judah has pursued other relationships that are inferior. (Verse 13 'For My people have committed a double evil: They have abandoned Me, the fountain of living water, and dug cisterns for themselves, cracked cisterns that cannot hold water.

Jeremiah 2:13 

paints an interesting picture that we miss in our time of getting water from faucets. God says He is like a spring of water, while Judah is digging leaking cisterns. Water from a spring tastes great! Water from a cistern is stagnant. Even worse: the cistern doesn’t hold water. God is saying you could have had a great relationship with Me, but you chose something far worse.

We are confronted with the same choice today. I can choose to do life God’s way and enhance my relationship with the Creator of the universe, who loves me unconditionally, or I can opt for something far less.


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