What Is

A person may have desires or attractions to someone of the same sex whether as a Christian or non-Christian. These desires do not automatically go away when a person becomes a Christian. However, the Bible is very clear that gay sexual activity or any sexual activity outside marriage is considered sinful and that a Christian is not to take part in such activities.

There is no such thing as an openly gay Christian they can say they are but if it goes against the word of God you can not be a gay Christian as much as they want to say or think it you cannot change the word to your liking as much as people now days do it. If there is no repentance or conviction of sin, then that person does not fit the description of Galatians 5:17 (https://biblehub.com/parallel/galatians/5-17.htm) . There is clearly no struggle between Spirit and flesh and that person is clearly an unregenerate sinner who does not have the Holy Spirit. They are just flesh without the Spirit.

As we have seen here, the label “gay Christian” is antithetical (Being in diametrical opposition: synonymopposite.) to Christianity. For no other sin do we tolerate such a label. Further, not only is this label unique among sins, it goes against God’s created order in Genesis. While there are Christians who struggle with same-sex attraction, no Christian is defined by their sin, they are defined by their Savior.  Any choosing to still be defined by their sin is violating the commands of Scripture.

So this is what I come up with as far as the LGBTQ situation if it goes against God and his word, “IT’S WRONG”. Yes you should love your family members but as to there choices in life that’s not your decision that’s there FREE WILL to life choices, you can say something or just pray for them you have to decide but if you know your Bible and his word you know the answer be kind and love them and again pray but it’s there decision even if it’s wrong.

My grandmother was a Nazarene church member and she believed in his word, rock solid. Now I have a family member who was with as they say a life partner now I never ever heard my grandmother say anything bad about it but I know it was morally wrong as she did, so I have as she did never said anything to my family member but I pray for them.

Sorry it needs to be said I feel if the churches had spoken up about this and other issues along time ago we made be better off but it's a war against Satan and we have to keep the faith and keep praying also there are today's churches and preachers that just go along with it and that’s scary I have quit following some as to this issue. Remember, for every famous preacher who is a public spectacle of moral failure, there are hundreds-nay, thousands-of unknown pastors faithful to the end. I guess the words I am looking for are disenchanted and heartbreaking and disappointed that the people you read and follow are not who they say they are underneath it all and they want to keep it all a secret and people won't open there eyes to all the fancy words.

God is watching so we keep on praying and we're all sinners it's just what are you going to do about it and are you going to accept his word.

Have A Nice Day





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