People will be surprised

People will be surprised at our new lives and the changes in our behavior. They might “heap abuse” on us for not joining them in our former sinful behaviors (v. 4).

If they don’t trust in Christ, they will be the ones surprised on the Day of Judgment (v. 5). They will be held accountable for their sin and pay the just penalty of death (Rom. 6:23). “This is the reason the gospel was preached even to those who are now dead” (v. 6). This might sound confusing, but it just means that the gospel was preached to people who were alive but are now dead. They had a chance to receive Christ when they were alive, but that opportunity is now gone (Heb. 9:27). If they did receive Christ, then their spirits are now absent from the body and present with the Lord (see 2 Cor. 5:6–10).

>> Sometimes we get too comfortable with sin. We should long for our sanctification! We encourage you today to make a renewed commitment to Christlikeness.


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