Where Will You Hide

Where Will You Hide?

Jesus is coming again - but this time to judge and to rule. This is also the time for the punishment of the sinful - those walking in relationship with Christ have nothing to fear. But others do have to fear - it does not matter if a person is powerful or rich - it is not those things that bring safety but only the blood of Jesus. As an old American spiritual saying goes - "O sinner man, where will you run to, all on that day."

Prayer: Heavenly Father, we thank you that in Christ we have forgiveness of sins and the righteousness of Christ. We do not need to fear your wrath. We are therefore secure in you when you display your wrath on sinful man. It is true that at that time, wealth and position are not going to protect but only the blood of Jesus. We thank you for your Son and the salvation we have in Him. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


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