What Is Life

So the question is and always has been what is life?

So with all the hate in the world today what is life really worth, can you answer that?

There is only one thing that has kept some of us going for all these years and that is FAITH!

 There is a time like right now that you can set back and just watch what is going on and wonder "why" but nobody has all the answers but the Bible does so you just have to go One Day At A Time.

 Some people don't believe in religion and that's their choice but wouldn't it be easier to believe in something than nothing at all? P.S. it's a personal relationship with Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. 

 Were not perfect and we for one don't want to be, you know what stress is like, but we strive to be like Jesus but we learn from our mistakes and errors.

 We have wronged and been wronged but you have to ask for forgiveness and live. This is what we try to do every day but life can get you down and in some dark places but in some cases we had a choice and after all these years we knew the answer, we just needed to get back to what has kept us going for this long and that is to get your head together and strive to be something better. We have asked to be forgiven and to forgive also and letting things work out for itself and ask God and Jesus to guide us through it.

 So stay tuned as they say and we'll see what happens but strive to make yourself a better person and leave the planet a better place and share the word to someone some how!   

 God Is Good All The Time


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