2 Timothy

2 Timothy

Our experience of God’s grace is further strengthened by practice. Paul offers three analogies in verses 3–7 to show what he means. A Christian who remains strong in grace is like a soldier, an athlete, and a farmer. The athlete must compete according to the rules to win. The soldier must stay free from civilian entanglements to be available to those in command. The farmer plants to reap a harvest. These illustrations underscore the need for our Christian practice to be marked by obedience, discipline, and hope. Paul’s analogy of the farmer may also imply that, since Timothy’s message promises grace, his life should also show evidence of the strength of that grace. Allegiance to Christ often brings difficulties (vv. 9–10). Paul was willing to endure such things so that others might know this grace.

Verses 11–13 contain a poem that helped the early Christians remember what they believed. This is an excellent passage to commit to memory. Spend the next few days reading those verses.


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