Why did the Father and Son send the Holy Spirit

Why did the Father and Son send the Holy Spirit?

The Spirit was sent into the world to fulfill God’s promise to give life to his people and dwell with them forever.

When Jesus ascended into heaven, he gave his people the gift of the Holy Spirit. He even claimed that having the Holy Spirit would be better than having Jesus with us in person. How could that be true?

Well, there are several reasons.

First of all, we were broken and sinful and needed forgiveness. So Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to bring forgiveness and healing.

Second of all, we were without life and joy, separated from God. So Jesus gave us the Holy Spirit to give us life and joy.

Third, Jesus called us to be his witnesses for the world. But, for that, we needed his Spirit. So Jesus sent his Spirit to make us effective witnesses in the world.

Fourth, Jesus sent us the Holy Spirit to make us holy. God wants us to be holy so that one day we can live forever with a holy God.

The Holy Spirit does all of that?

Yes! Because the Holy Spirit is not that warm and fuzzy feeling you get sometimes, or an energy source like “The Force” from Star Wars. He is the third person of the Trinity. The Holy Spirit is God. And God can do anything.

And God promises, by the Spirit, to make us fit for the life of heaven.


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