Jesus Is

 Let me see... 

Buddhist acknowledge that Jesus existed as a man, as a prophet. 

Atheists even believe that Jesus was at least a man. 

Jews believe that Jesus existed, as a man. 

Muslims believe that Jesus was in fact a prophet sent by God. 

Christians believe Jesus is the Christ.
With the whole world in belief that Jesus was at least a man, and most of us believe that He is also a prophet sent by God Himself, and A select few of us... Christians believe that He is the Son of God, how is it that He is NOT the Son of the true and living God? 

Let me delve into the logic a bit more. 

Jesus is at least a prophet sent to us by God, right? Most agree to this. If He is in fact a prophet sent to us by God, then He would not 'lie' to us, right? Why would a prophet that was sent to us by God... 'lie' to us? Hmm? No, A prophet would not lie to us. And if you believe that Jesus was a prophet, you must also believe that He is honest in His words. So, either He is or He is not a prophet. he is a prophet sent to us by God. 

Muslims and Jews believe He is a prophet, but not the Messiah. Strange, because He Himself says that He is the Son of God. He is NOT lying! The logic is strong with this one. 

I for one, cannot argue with the one I believe to be a prophet of God...
Jesus Is my Lord and my Savior! 


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