
And God's glory is intrinsic. (belonging to the essential nature of a thing : occurring as a natural part of something). Whether you recognize it or not. There are two created things that do not recognize God's glory: Satan and his angels, and mankind. Men tend to believe that life is all about them.  God created us for His glory, not for our own.

Most of us are anthropomorphic, which means we are (man-centered), rather than theocentric, which means (God-centered). We tend to ask, "What's in it for me?" But that's God's question, not ours. God's glory is His own passion. He is seeking the highest glory for Himself, and rightly so because He is the greatest in every way. God's glory is the chief end of all things. You will know if someone has a heart for God based on whether or not they are seeking His glory.

Your growth will always be demonstrated in an increased passion for His name, His glory, and His recognition. 

He Can Use Anyone.


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