
Showing posts from August, 2023


NO ONE WANTS TO BE DEPRESSED And telling those of us that are fighting through depression to "just have more faith" will only sink us deeper into despair... because we already have all the faith we can muster. We didn't choose this. It chose us. The sum total of our life experiences and brain chemistry have created a whirlwind of confusion that we often cannot control, no matter how hard we try. What does that mean? Well, it means several things. (1) We actually DO try. (2) We actually DO have faith. (3) We experience multiplied difficulty in daily life. It's not easy for the depressed to make it through a day. A normal "day" for us is everything normal + trying to control and understand things happening within our brain that seem impossible to control and understand. Depression and anxiety are a full time job in their own right. Many are going through this season of psychological struggle due to the circumstances of the world that they cannot control. Healt

On self - Transformed by Trials

C. S. Lewis Daily On self The more we get what we now call “ourselves” out of the way and let Him take us over, the more truly ourselves we become. It is when I turn to Christ, when I give myself up to His Personality, that I first begin to have a real personality of my own. ALSO Transformed by Trials   One of the primary means God uses to make you and me like Jesus Christ is by sending trouble our way.  You see, reshaping us to the image of Christ is not minor surgery; it takes a major transformation.   Just like a sculptor takes a piece of marble slab and chips away at it in order to bring out an image, God uses troubles to reshape us.     We just need to remember, when we are going through trials, we must change what we are looking at.  We have to come at it from the right perspective.  "Lord, this is a rough time right now.  I am not sure why you sent this to me, but I want to give you thanks and I rejoice at the fact that this is going to be a transforming event in my life.